
Tycorun battery swap installation guidelines and precautions

A battery swapping station has many components, such as the main battery, control board, charging cable, etc., as well as small fans and various wires. You may think that battery swap installation must be complicated, but this is not the case.

When the battery swap cabinet is on the ground, there are very few manual installation steps. Next, I will share the installation requirements and precautions of the battery swap cabinet and the specific installation steps of the Tycorun battery swap cabinet.

Table of Contents

Why install EV battery swap stations?

With the vigorous development of the take-out industry in recent years, the traditional charging method of electric vehicles has been gradually eliminated, replaced by the rise of electric vehicle battery swap.

In order to meet the needs of take-out riders for electric vehicle battery swapping, battery swap station came into being, which to a great extent solves the problem of electric vehicle battery life, allowing riders to quickly change electricity and quickly send orders.

Delivery man in the delivery of orders, the biggest problem facing is whether the electric car can continue to run, if the battery suddenly lost halfway, charging and several hours, resulting in orders can not be delivered in time, the rider, business and customers will bring ratings, reputation of the negative impact. Delivery man can only push the bike, or ride the roadside shared bike to go, especially hard.

Of course, battery swapping technology can not only help delivery workers and couriers improve efficiency, but also bring convenience to commercial vehicles such as Uber. This “vehicle and battery separation”, “rent instead of purchase” way could help us reduce the cost of vehicle.


What to consider before battery swap installation

Before battery swap installation, we mainly think about the choice of battery swap installation location.

During the actual battery swap installation process, if the location of the power exchange cabinet is not perfect or is different from the actual site requirements, the installer should submit modification opinions to the design unit in a timely manner, and the designer should conduct a comprehensive concept based on the construction drawings. Or go to the actual construction site to conduct surveys.

And it is necessary to specifically determine the actual installation location of the power distribution cabinet while meeting actual needs without affecting the appearance. For details on how to choose the installation address, please refer to the better place battery swap article.

For example, DIDI, one of Tycorun’s customers, DIDI company is the largest brand in China of ride-hailing service, like UBER brand in global. DIDI chose to place the battery swap cabinet at the entrance of the electric two-wheeled vehicle store. All batteries are for electric bicycles. In the future, users who have purchased electric two-wheelers will also need to use our exchange station. This is a good way to install them.


Requirements of battery swap installation

  • According to the design requirements, the equipment and facilities are fully installed, intact, pollution-free, rust-free, and meet the conditions for use.
  • It must be placed in order and must not affect the parking of vehicles.
  • The connection between distribution boxes and cabinets requires a ground wire across.
  • Protective measures must be taken before passing cables through the openings of distribution boxes and cabinets, and the openings must be sealed against fire.
  • Distribution boxes, cables and other equipment and facilities are fully marked.
  • The layout of the battery swap cabinet infrastructure should not hinder the normal passage of vehicles and pedestrians;
  • The setting of the charging interface follows the principles of adapting measures to local conditions and saving space;
  • Fire extinguisher induction wire harness conduits should be reasonably arranged, and all risk areas need to be covered and monitored.

Tycorun battery swap installation tutorial

  1. Find the power electric:First of all, we need to power the swapping station,find out the electric power where to connect, secondly we distribution the cables and connect the battery swapping station cables.
  2. Confirm whether the power matching:When find out the power electric, and only for 3 phase electric, the voltage is for 380, it is very dangerous, but Tycoun swapping station is available for 220v and 110v, in this situation, we need a inverter exchange the voltage.
  3. Link all cables:There are two main cables that need to be connected safely, live line and earth line.The red one is for live line, and black one is for earth line,the engineer needs to connect it well here according to the regulations.
  4. Install all batteries:When all cables connect very well now, and turn on our electric meters, the lcd screen is working now, but there is still a lack of batteries, Tycorun manufacturers available motorcycle battery voltage for 48V lithium ion battery, 60v batteries, 72v batteries. After installing the swappable battery, the entire of the battery swap installation is completed.

That’s all our process of battery swap installation, I think every engineer to know of technology electric knowledge will say battery swap installation is easy.


Precautions for battery swap installation

  • Before battery swap installation, check the complete set of equipment and its equipment foundation before installation, and install the cabinet only after acceptance.
  • Check whether the power output voltage matches the battery swap station.
  • Be sure to wear insulating gloves when wiring.
  • The location of the battery swap cabinet should not be close to places with potential fire or explosion risk.
  • Do not place a lot of debris around during the battery swap installation process.
  • The connection wire shall be insulated wire, the joint shall not be loose, and there shall be no exposed live part.
  • Place and fasten on the ground, the battery swap cabinet can not tilt and shake.


How much does a battery swap installation cost?

For safety and accurate installation, you need to find relevant local technicians to perform all operations of battery swap installation. The cost of battery swap installation is not expensive, but the battery swap installation cost will be different in each country and region. Regarding the specific battery swap installation cost, please refer to the price of local technicians for details.

Last but no least, enterprises, communities, and property developers can consider strengthening publicity on the safety performance of battery swap station to dispel residents’ concerns. At the same time, government departments should raise the access threshold for battery replacement, formulate unified safety standards and construction and installation specifications, and improve the public’s sense of security.

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