
Що означає ефект пам'яті в акумуляторах? Детальне пояснення та посібник з обслуговування

Batteries, indispensable energy storage units in modern life, significantly impact our daily lives and productivity. A long-standing misconception surrounding battery usage is the “memory effect.” This article delves into the truth about the memory effect in batteries, explains the characteristics of different battery types, and provides proper maintenance methods to help readers better understand and utilize batteries.


What is memory effect in batteries?

The memory effect in batteries mainly occurs in nickel-cadmium batteries (Ni-Cd). It means that after a battery has not been fully charged and discharged for a long time, it will “remember” a fixed discharge mode, resulting in the battery being unable to fully release its full capacity.

In other words, if the battery is often charged without being fully discharged, over time, it will form a fixed discharge end point and cannot continue to discharge deeply. Although lithium-ion batteries (explore the 10 найкращих виробників двоколісних літієвих батарей у Китаї) do not have a memory effect, understanding this phenomenon helps to better understand battery maintenance and usage.

Causes of the battery memory effect

The negative electrode of nickel-cadmium batteries uses a sintering process, and the cadmium grains are coarse. When the battery is charged without being fully discharged, the cadmium grains at the negative electrode will gradually aggregate into blocks, causing the battery to form a secondary discharge platform.

In the subsequent use process, the battery will “remember” this voltage platform and mistake it for the discharge end point, thereby limiting the available capacity. Each incomplete discharge will aggravate this phenomenon, resulting in a continuous decrease in the actual available capacity of the battery.

How to eliminate the memory effect in batteries?

If the nickel-cadmium battery has developed memory effect, it can be repaired by the following two methods:

  • Small current deep discharge: Use a small current of 0.1C to discharge the battery to 0V, which can effectively eliminate the memory effect, but the process is slow and takes a long time.
  • High current charge and discharge: Use a large current of 1C to perform multiple charge and discharge cycles to quickly activate the battery capacity, but the number of cycles must be controlled to avoid damage to the battery.

Characteristics and maintenance of different battery types

Nickel-Cadmium Batteries (NiCd)

As mentioned earlier, NiCd batteries are the primary victims of the memory effect in batteries. To maximize their lifespan, regular deep discharging (discharging to near zero voltage) is a necessary maintenance procedure. However, this doesn’t mean frequent deep discharging is necessary; generally, once a month or after 30 charge-discharge cycles is sufficient. Excessive deep discharging can accelerate battery aging.

Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries (NiMH)

NiMH batteries have a longer cycle life than NiCd batteries, and their memory effect in batteries is relatively weaker. While deep discharging is still beneficial for maintenance, the frequency can be reduced to once every three months.

Lead-Acid Batteries

Lead-acid batteries (explore more about свинцево-кислотний мотоциклетний акумулятор) do not exhibit the memory effect in batteries. Their capacity degradation primarily stems from sulfation. Sulfation refers to the conversion of active materials at both the positive and negative electrodes into lead sulfate during discharge.

Prolonged lack of charging leads to lead sulfate crystallization, reducing battery capacity. Therefore, the key to maintaining lead-acid batteries is to keep them fully charged and avoid prolonged deep discharge states.

Lithium-Ion Batteries (Li-ion)

Lithium-ion batteries are the most widely used battery type currently. Their advantages include high energy density, long cycle life, and the absence of the memory effect in batteries. The key to maintaining lithium-ion batteries is to avoid overcharging and over-discharging (more details about заряджання та розряджання літій-іонного акумулятора), and to control the charging temperature. For long-term storage, it is recommended to maintain the charge level between 30%-80% and recharge periodically to prevent over-discharge.

Common misconceptions and correct methods for battery maintenance

Misconception 1: All batteries require deep discharging

Many believe that all rechargeable batteries require regular deep discharging to eliminate the memory effect in batteries. In reality, only NiCd and some NiMH batteries require deep discharge maintenance; lithium batteries do not, and it may even shorten their lifespan.

Misconception 2: Frequent charging damages the battery

While overcharging can damage a battery, frequent shallow charging and discharging is actually more beneficial for extending the lifespan of lithium-ion batteries. This is because deep charge-discharge cycles put greater stress on the internal structure of the battery.

Misconception 3: Discharge the battery completely before recharging

For most battery types, completely discharging the battery before recharging is not the optimal approach. This increases stress on the battery and accelerates aging. For lithium-ion batteries, in particular, it’s recommended to keep the charge level within a suitable range and avoid over-discharge.

Misconception 4: Long-term storage of batteries requires no charging

Even lithium-ion batteries undergo self-discharge over extended periods of non-use. Therefore, for long-term storage, maintain a certain charge level (e.g., 30%-80%) and recharge periodically to prevent over-discharge and irreversible capacity loss.

Future developments in memory effect in batteries

With ongoing advancements in battery technology, new battery types like solid-state batteries and lithium-sulfur batteries are emerging. These offer significant improvements in energy density, cycle life, and safety. The maintenance methods for these new batteries may differ from existing ones, requiring continuous attention to related research and technological advancements.


This article thoroughly explains the concept and causes of the memory effect in batteries, along with maintenance methods for various battery types, correcting several common misconceptions. It aims to help readers better understand battery operating principles and maintenance techniques, extending battery life and improving efficiency.
In practical applications, choose appropriate maintenance methods based on the characteristics of different battery types to avoid unnecessary damage and waste. As technology evolves, we must continuously learn about the latest battery knowledge to adapt to the ever-changing technological landscape.


No. Lithium-ion batteries do not have a memory effect and do not require full charge-discharge cycles for activation. A full charge before first use is sufficient. Frequent full charge-discharge cycles will shorten battery life.

Yes. Even without a memory effect in batteries, lithium batteries will self-discharge over extended periods of non-use. It's recommended to maintain a 30%-80% charge level and recharge every 3-6 months for long-term storage to prevent over-discharge and capacity loss.

Modern smartphone lithium-ion batteries have battery overcharge protection, so they generally won't explode from overnight charging. However, remaining fully charged for extended periods increases internal stress and affects battery life. Use a suitable charger and avoid prolonged full-charge states.

Only NiCd and some NiMH batteries exhibit a noticeable memory effect. If your battery is lithium-ion, there is no memory effect. For NiCd or NiMH batteries, observe the discharge curve for distinct plateaus and whether the actual capacity is below the rated capacity. If these occur, a battery memory effect may be present.

The key to extending battery life is avoiding overcharging and over-discharging, controlling charging temperature, and performing proper maintenance according to battery type. For example, lithium-ion batteries should avoid prolonged full-charge or complete discharge states; NiCd batteries require periodic deep discharging.

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