
Топ-10 компаній з заміни акумуляторів в Африці

With the growing awareness of environmental protection and the popularity of electric vehicles, battery swapping companies in Africa are showing an upward trend. These companies provide efficient and convenient transportation solutions for electric vehicle users through advanced battery swapping technology, which not only solves the problem of slow charging and short battery life.

У цій статті ми познайомимо вас з top 10 battery swapping companies in Africa, including Spiro, Ampersand, Zembo, Kofa, STIMA, Ecobodaa, Ground Zero, Swap Station Mobility, MAX, ARC Ride.

You can also check the other top list in our website to know information:

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Best-list of top 10 battery swapping company in Africa

The top 10 battery swapping company in Africa includes: 
  • Spiro (Kenya)
  • Ampersand (Rwanda)
  • Zembo (Uganda)
  • Kofa (Ghana))
  • STIMA (Kenya)
  • Ecobodaa (Kenya)
  • Valternative(South Africa
  • Swap Station Mobility (Nigeria)
  • MAX (Nigeria)
  • ARC Ride (Kenya)


Сайт компанії https://spironet.com/

Профіль компанії:
Spiro, one of the top 10 battery swapping companies in Africa, is an electric vehicle company founded in May 2022 and headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, focusing on the production of electric motorcycles and batteries as well as providing professional battery swapping technology.

Продукт Spiro

The company operates more than 250 battery swap stations in several African countries, including Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Togo and Uganda, serving more than 14,000 electric scooters, mainly motorcycle and taxi drivers.

Spiro battery swapping

Spiro’s e-scooters feature a swappable battery design that allows them to be recharged at home for three hours or quickly replaced at a battery swap station. Its innovative battery swap technology solves the problem of slow charging and high battery costs for electric vehicles by providing a fully charged battery to replace a depleted battery.


Ampersand logo
Сайт компанії https://www.ampersand.solar/

Профіль компанії:     
Founded in 2016 and headquartered in Kigali, Rwanda, Ampersand is Africa’s leading electric vehicle operator, focused on providing electric transport energy and battery swapping solutions for commercial electric motorcycle fleets.

Ampersand battery swapping

The company, which provides users with convenient charging services through an extensive battery swap network, has expanded its fleet to more than 1,350 vehicles and plans to expand to more than 10,000 vehicles by the end of 2024.

Ampersand’s battery swap service significantly reduces operating costs, avoiding downtime and cost risks associated with traditional lithium battery charging.

Ampersand team


Zembo logo
Сайт компанії https://www.zem.bo/

Профіль компанії:
Based in Kampala, Uganda, Zembo is a leader in electric mobility in Africa, focusing on affordable PayGo e-scooters for low-income “boda-boda” drivers. Zembo’s electric motorcycles are equipped with advanced battery technology that not only provides riding comfort, but also significantly reduces CO2 emissions.

Zembo battery swapping

At the same time, Zembo is committed to providing a convenient battery swapping service for electric motorcycles, where customers can easily complete battery swapping at our multiple stations across the country, enabling them to enjoy a seamless driving experience powered by solar energy at any time.

Zembo team

Zembo’s extensive network of battery swap stations ensures that customers always have easy and fast access to battery swapping services.


Kofa logo
Сайт компанії https://www.kofa.co/

Профіль компанії:
Kofa is a Ghanaian company committed to deploying a network of advanced battery swap stations across Africa through its Swap & Go battery network.

Kofa battery swap cabinet

Kofa’s second-generation Kore 2 Swap & Go network leverages advanced IoT and artificial intelligence technologies to enable automatic battery swap even in areas with unstable Internet connections.

Kofa battery swapping station

Kofa, in partnership with TAILG, plans to roll out 200,000 electric vehicles and 5,000 battery swap stations in Africa by 2030.


Stima logo
Сайт компанії https://stimaboda.com/

Профіль компанії:
STIMA is a Kenyan company founded in 2020 focused on providing B2B SAAS solutions for electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

Stima battery swap

STIMA has developed a battery swap software platform designed to provide a viable replacement solution for electric motorcycle companies in the African region. The platform relies on ioT systems embedded in each battery, including the battery and site monitoring platform, Rider App and Swapper App, to provide users with efficient battery management and battery swapping services.

Stima battery swapping

To date, STIMA’s platform has successfully achieved 110,044+ battery swaps and reduced CO2 emissions by more than 320 tons, demonstrating their positive impact in the field of environmental protection and electric mobility.


Ecobodaa logo
Сайт компанії Company website: https://ecobodaa.bike/

Профіль компанії:
Ecobodaa is an electric mobility startup based in Nairobi, Kenya, founded by Kenyan engineers Kim Chepkoit and Steve Juma, focused on providing electric motorcycle (bodaboda) rental services.

Ecobodaa battery swap

Ecobodaa is responsible for the design, maintenance, revenue management and battery swapping of motorcycles. Ecobodaa’s flagship product is a two-battery motorcycle with a range of 100 miles per charge, an anti-theft GPS tracker and 12 months of free comprehensive insurance.

Ecobodaa has a quick battery swap station where passengers can exchange recharged batteries within two minutes. Ecobodaa’s технологія заміни батареї and efficient electric motors help reduce maintenance costs and save motorcycle owners money.

Ecobodaa product


Сайт компанії https://www.valternative.africa/

Профіль компанії:     
Founded in South Africa in 2022, Valternative pioneered the Swap&Go electric vehicle solution to provide new infrastructure for the new era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in South Africa and the African continent. By deploying electric scooters, smart рішення для станції заміни акумуляторів, and subscription-based battery swap services for on-demand and last-mile delivery.

Valternative battery swap

The company also provides dedicated rider management services, generating revenue through electric motorcycle rental and sales, monthly battery swap subscriptions, rider commissions, and vehicle advertising to quickly reach all of South Africa.

Valternative battery swapping station

At the same time, Valternative aims to improve social efficiency in Africa by introducing smart solutions for electric vehicles, home and industrial backup power, and other alternative energy sources, becoming an indispensable infrastructure provider in the e-commerce value chain in South Africa and across Africa.

Swap Station Mobility

Swap Station Mobility logo
Сайт компанії https://www.swapstationmobility.com/

Профіль компанії: 
Swap Station Mobility is a major service provider in the electric vehicle market in Africa, focusing on a comprehensive battery swapping service for two- and three-wheeled electric vehicles.

Swap Station Mobility battery swapping

Swap Station Mobility’s B2B platform covers battery swap infrastructure, swappable batteries, and repair and maintenance services for last-mile delivery companies and off-takers.

Swap Station Mobility team

Swap Station Mobility offers customers a variety of options through its innovative “pay per ride” model, including outright buying, renting or renting bikes. Its monthly subscription plan includes insurance, maintenance services, and the flexibility to adjust the number of battery swaps per day based on customer needs.


Max logo
Сайт компанії https://www.max.ng/

Профіль компанії:
Founded in 2015, MAX is Africa’s leading electric vehicle and mobility-tech platform company. As the first company to design and customize electric vehicles, MAX promotes electric vehicles in several African cities to reduce urban traffic pollution and carbon emissions.

Max team

Compare to traditional charging ways, MAX optimizes the operational efficiency of drivers and ensures that their daily traffic needs are not disturbed by the construction of battery swap stations along barrier-free routes. You can check the заміна акумулятора проти зарядки щоб дізнатися більше інформації.

These stations not only support rapid battery swap, but also improve the overall reliability and service level of the vehicle.

Max staff

ARC Ride

ARC Ride logo
Сайт компанії https://arcrideglobal.com/

Профіль компанії:
ARC Ride is Africa’s leading battery as a Service (BaaS) infrastructure provider, specialized in бізнес-модель заміни батарейок for electric two – and three-wheeled vehicles.

ARC Ride battery swap

ARC Rid has built an ever-expanding network of powerful battery swapping cabinets in convenient locations across the city, while providing 24/7 service.

ARC Ride battery swapping station

ARC Rid’s battery swap service uses the second-generation lightweight LFP smart swappable battery, which works with Android and iOS passenger apps to make it easy for users to locate the nearest replacement station and replace the battery. Electric two-wheelers, both for professional and personal use, run on ARC Rid, an integrated battery swap system.

На завершення

Overall, the top 10 battery swapping companies in Africa have demonstrated their great potential and innovation in the field of electric mobility through quality battery swapping solutions.

In the future, with the popularity of electric two-and three-wheelers and the advancement of battery swapping technology, these companies will continue to lead the development of the battery swapping industry in the future, providing a reliable guarantee for green travel in Africa and even the world.

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